Thursday, March 14, 2013


Author’s Note: This is my creative piece that I wrote, about the feeling when you launch off the snowboard jump.  Please look for how it sets a scene in your head and look at the figurative language.  

On a cold wintery day, what is better than going to the terrain park of Little Switzerland and tearing it up?  Nothing is better because on most cold days people are gaming, when you could be enjoying time on the slopes , while working on your snowboarding skills.  There is a rush that goes through you as you fly off the slope as if you were an airplane running off the run away.
As you fling off the slope hoping you can land that trick you have been practicing all year, you feel something special that moment that isn’t replaceable.  When you start launching off the ramp you feel a rush through you blood and body that makes you what to try even harder, just like the word “dedication”.  Dedication is the word that makes you into a good snowboarder; dedication helps you in many ways including perfection of tricks, motivation, and working harder every time.  You hit the jump and your arms come out as if you were a baby eagle trying to fly for the first time.

Then the air takes you in its hands, but the gravity is too strong and you are only in the air for about two seconds. The air is like a little boy trying to lift 100 pounds when the gravity is a bodybuilder lifting 100 pounds, the gravity will always win against the air.

These moments aren’t for long, because after your snowboard hits the ground, that great feeling is over and you feel like a normal person again, not a superhero flying through the air.  Although the feeling isn’t for long it is totally worth it with the thought that no one is stopping you.  You feel like you are free as an eagle soaring through the treetops of the woods.   As you fling through the air, everyone is watching you to perform as if you  were a pitcher trying to throw a no hitter in World Series Game 7.


  1. This was a great creative piece, it was a perfect touch adding the figurative language. This story also made me picture the story in my head and every step of the jump from start to finish. This was a great story, now lets see that back-flip for real this time.
