Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The poem of all of the adjectives that I am.

Author’s Note:  This poem is about me. I will tell you about all of the adjectives that I am.  Please read it carefully!
Really nice

Why did I have to leave this state!

Author's Note: I wrote about Florida because for Christmas I went to Florida and the weather was amazing.  My creatvie piece is pretty long, but it talks about my great experience in Floordia

Which is better, warm, sunny Florida or icy cold Wisconsin for a winter break I know you all would rather be in Florida, which is the beautiful state I went to?  Florida is a great state to go to during winter break because it isn’t too warm; it’s perfect. What I will tell you is why this vacation was a great experience.
To start with we had to drive 12 hours to Tennessee one day and the next day we headed to Florida.  As soon as we arrived in Florida we went to a restaurant named Friendly’s.  After dinner we went to bed to get a good night sleep.   The next morning I went to the beach with my family to swim in the ocean. 
For the next couple of days we went to the beach in the morning to bodysurf and boogie board. After that we went to see our family that lives in Melbourne, Florida.  As soon as we were done swimming we all went to a seafood restaurant to celebration being together.  Our hotel had an oceanfront view and had beautiful pools.  As long as we had these pools we could chose, pool or ocean.
Although we only had a short amount of time in Florida we enjoyed every minute of it.  During that short amount of time I had to eat crab.  Don’t worry, I did!  If I could pick to go to Florida again next year I would.   This vacation was a great experience because of seeing the family that we missed a lot.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The poem why Parker is awesome!

 AUTHOR'S NOTE: I wrote about me with the letters of my name.  With every letter I wrote one thing that I am.

Really nice

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Philly Cheese Steak, No!!!!!

 Author's Note: I wrote this story in the point of view of the shoes I got for Christmas.  In this creative piece essay I addressed best sentence structure and where to put commas. 

Finishline is always quiet and warm in the early mornings.  Not today it is Black Friday, I mean I want to get my sleep, but people are talking with no care in the world. Black Friday again, second year in a row that I have been here.  No one even cares about me. The store has rough beds that we sleep on and they just want to make money.  They are now opening the doors; well we knew this was going to come sometime.
Wow!!  Many people are here, more than I expected.  The boys are all run after me; I don’t blame them because I will admit that I am looking fabulous today. Why not buy me when I’m on sale for $90. Kid! Kid! No please don’t put me on, your feet smell horrible I am begging you please don’t try me on. 
Nice!  Now there is a cool kid that wants to try me on.  His feet smell bad; also this person is being a little rough with me. You don’t know how good it feels to be loved and going home.  Home Sweet Home!!!!!!
Overall it was a good day, I mean I go home with a nice boy and hopefully I will create new friends on the way to his house.  The horrible thing is that I lose my girlfriend, Philly Cheese Steak.    Well I guess that my family now could bring me to Subway and buy me a new one!