Friday, May 18, 2012

July 13, 2012 my special day

Author's Note:  Read this creatvie piece very slow because you might get fooled!

On a warm weathered day in the middle of July a boy was being brought into the world.  His name was Parker Alexander Hutjens.  Even though my birthday was supposed to be on July 14 it didn’t really change anything. Being born on this day has its positives because then you are able to have a party outside.

Although July 13 might be a bad day for someone else, it was a great and positive day for  my happy family.  Every year, on July 13th we always party like tomorrow is the end of the world.  On this day every year I get to open all of the precious cards from friends and family member.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Put a swoosh on that!

Author's Note: There are many different types of shoes in the world.  It is important that you pick the best shoes for you.  Reading this help you understand more about shoes.

Shoes are objects that are made out of matter that you wear on your feet.  I have a pair of Nike Free Run 3 , they are very comfortable on the heel and on the toes.  When I went to footlocker or champs for shoes, my first priority with shoes are the feel.  Lastly it is the amount of swag that is put into them.

Nike Hyper-dunks are sick  because they are comfortable and nice looking at the same time.  I have these shoes and they are very nice.  You can get these  at footlocker for about the price of $99.99.  I would totally recommend these shoes to a friend.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Sound and Music are the Same

 Author's Note: I wrote about sound affecting our daily lives.  Please take your time reading this because you might learn some new information about music and sound

 Sound is pretty much life. Without sound you can’t do that much including talking to people. Sound takes a big role in your life because without sound you can't talk to people and you can’t have music.
Sound is very effective in our lives because it would be hard to live without it.  Music is a type of sound that can help people get away from bad things happening in people’s lives.  Also music is used to become creative and just acting like yourself. So, without sound it would be a pretty darn hard life to live.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Beats By Dr. Pie!!!

Author's Note: This is a very creative piece by myself, talks about two special passions. (pie and Beats by Dr. Dre.

On March 1st 2012 I went to Best Buy,
Don’t ask me why.
We went over to electronics and saw the Beats,
I was thinking could this be one of my treats.
Then a guy can over to me and said I want some pie.
I asked the guy why?
He said it would be awesome if it could be one of my treats,
No one cares about treats, but they all care about the beats.
Da Beats by Dr, Dre!!!
Beats are like humans, they can give bass.